/ study directions / Informatics / Blockchain engineer

Blockchain engineer

Duration 3.5 years
Studies extramural
Received the degree of Engineer

Study direction description

  • you will learn about the DevExtreme suite - a set of components for creating highly responsive web applications for touch devices and traditional desktops.

The package includes over 50 UI components ready to use with jQuery, Angular, AngularJS, Knockout, ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Core such as data grid, interactive charts, data editors, navigation and multi-functional widgets designed to look and behave harmoniously in any browser.

Document obtained Diploma



What will you learn?

You will learn the technical and legal aspects of blockchain technology and its application in business.
You will understand the problems that blockchain technology is trying to solve.
You will learn about the cryptographic algorithms underlying cryptocurrencies.
You will design and implement new ways of using the blockchain to create decentralized applications.
You will run a test blockchain in which your decentralized application will be developed.
You will learn to program smart contracts.

Job prospects

Blockchain specialist
Smart contracts developer
Blockchain developer
Full stack developer
Blockchain engineer

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  • Goleniów, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 10b

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